Tale of Many Gamers
We are currently running a Tale of Many Gamers event down at East Grinstead which involves building and playing with an army over the course of the year. You add points to your force each month and are scored based on completing the models by the end of the month and playing them in the first club of each month. This is how the first few months have gone down:Month One
I picked Deathwatch as I already have a number of models and picked up about £150 worth of them for £50 after taking Christmas vouchers and the Battleforce discount off. The Deathwatch also gives me a chance to do some neat conversions and focus on painting detailed models instead of a factory-style process more suited to Guard.
The first week is 200pts of Kill Team where each model moves individually. This had me thinking of my first squad that would later come together as one unit in subsequent months and I decided to go for a counter-attack/objective burning squad. I picked shotguns for rule of cool plus they get some neat special ammunition that fires an S3 template. To add range, I used an Infernus Heavy Bolter to keep with the template theme and add some ranged punch (always have a long ranged character in Kill Team to snipe with!). Lastly the sergeant with a Combi-Melta to add some anti-tank kick and provide another source of long-range firepower. A power sword finished off the character as a symbol of his office and the entire squad was mounted in a Rhino.
Counter-attack squad lines up |
On the board, the Deathwatch faced off against a new player to the club who plays Tau Empire, a perfect start to the narrative! It ended up a close affair with only a few models left on the board and I even got to ram a Piranha with a Rhino! Ultimately objectives won the day along with the heavy weapon's ranged firepower proving indispensable. On to month two...