Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Tale of Gamers Month 5 - Result

The Battle

You can have the best arms, armour and warriors under your command. But they mean nothing if they are under the banner of an incompetent commander.

That's how I felt as the game this month drew to a close against an army I should know like the back of my hand. Being a Dark Eldar player, I felt I could second guess my opponent and know what he was going to do, but it led to some very silly decisions.

We were playing The Relic and in the first turn my Land Raider was immobilised then blown to pieces. Like a fool I'd placed it in the open because my Dark Lance fire is normally poor and misses or fails to penetrate. Not this time, it took a lot of firepower but was shredded to bits. First mistake.

Now my big scary unit was down, Reavers moved forwards and claimed the objective to start running off with it. My own units chose to shoot at the Reavers instead of rushing fowards into their faces. It worked and caused horrific causalities, but one survived and it retreated into a nest of Raiders where it passed the objective off to a Talos.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Tale of Gamers - Month 5

Tale of Gamers - Month 5

New Units

The models for May have been completed and are heading to the battlefield tomorrow! First of all is the Venerable Dreadnought to fulfill my monthly challenge (which is to fill an Elites slot). Armed with a Lascannon and a Power Fist, it should put out some supporting fire against bigger targets before smashing them to pieces up close. The question is if I keep it back to guard a unit/objective or move it up to pose a bigger threat. The enemy will know it poses a threat at all ranges and will need to keep good line of sight across the battlefield to avoid being made irrelevant to the fight.

The sniper squad I decided to give a Razorback armed again with a Lascannon. This represents not only their ability to stay mobile but it complements the squad as well. The Razorback pops a vehicles, the snipers shoot the squad that comes out. It probably won't move much but can also be used to protect the snipers and try to tank shock enemies away or block their line of sight or charge corridor.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Tale of Gamers Month 5 - Unit Choice and Prepping for 8th

Unit Selection

Five months into this 12 month journey and I look at my growing army with a sense of satisfaction. This has to be the quickest I have ever painted an army to the 1000pt milestone and I feel like I have a force that covers most bases. This month I get to round it out even further with the Elites slot and a dedicated transport.

After the last game I realised I need some more long-range punch to deal with big nasty things. This is an area of limited availability in the Deathwatch Codex as they are designed to shoot things at medium range, so I had a good idea of what I wanted to take this month.