Saturday, 27 May 2017

Tale of Gamers - Month 5

Tale of Gamers - Month 5

New Units

The models for May have been completed and are heading to the battlefield tomorrow! First of all is the Venerable Dreadnought to fulfill my monthly challenge (which is to fill an Elites slot). Armed with a Lascannon and a Power Fist, it should put out some supporting fire against bigger targets before smashing them to pieces up close. The question is if I keep it back to guard a unit/objective or move it up to pose a bigger threat. The enemy will know it poses a threat at all ranges and will need to keep good line of sight across the battlefield to avoid being made irrelevant to the fight.

The sniper squad I decided to give a Razorback armed again with a Lascannon. This represents not only their ability to stay mobile but it complements the squad as well. The Razorback pops a vehicles, the snipers shoot the squad that comes out. It probably won't move much but can also be used to protect the snipers and try to tank shock enemies away or block their line of sight or charge corridor.

Campaign Update

Good and bad things here. First of all, the Deathwatch are unbeaten and haven't dropped a point yet. This puts me one ahead of the Dark Eldar player who has thrown the gauntlet down for the next club date! A Lascannon isn't the most ideal weapon against a Raider that will jink it's way out of half the shots that get through, but there are plenty of multi-shot weapons that can harm them. The templates will also hurt passengers so the counter-attack squad may be pulling overtime.

Unfortunately the preview of 8th Edition is showing so many significant changes to core systems and army building that the campaign is coming to a premature end. Instead of going until December at 3000pts it will end in June at 1500pts. This is a pain as I have so many more units I want to add in and it has been really good for getting them painted. Tale of Gamers has helped to work through a big pile of stuff that I acquired at Christmas. But for the sake of the blog, I am going to continue adding 250pts a month, just with less campaign restrictions. So keep an eye out, plus there is still the month of June to go!

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